The Story of the Koalas’ Body Patterns

The distinct body lines and patterns of koalas are a result of brain activity in koalas. There are so many tasks that a brain must do in life. It’s where consciousness sits, which is outwardly expressed in the body lines. The job of consciousness is to supervise the two different parts of the brain, known as the logical side and the emotional side of the brain.

body patterns jack

The unique body patterns of each koala represent their personality traits and temperament of a koala. These lines and patterns form as a koala grows up.

To survive on Earth, a koala’s brain is made up of two halves:

body patterns matt logic emotion

  1. Logic. It’s where both, humans and koalas, make decisions to eat, run, climb or sit. Usually, logic takes its time in deciding what to do, and logic doesn’t show any emotion.
  2. Emotion. It’s where a koala’s feelings are located - feelings about eating, running, climbing or sitting. Emotions can work on impulse and have an outward expression.
  3. The supervisor of Logic and Emotion is called consciousness. It watchs over the two characters. All three characters worktogether for the real big boss, the “brain”.

body patterns consciousness

Consciousness is the ghostly looking character, and lives between and around both Logic and Emotions, and sometimes travels around to certian parts of the brain of the koala.

A koala’s body patterns are an external expression of what is going on inside the koala’s brain.

The brain employs a supervisor called “consciousness. In total, there are three characters that make up the koala “brain”.

body patterns nurse betty

The patterns represent the balance between the two parts of the brain. That’s why there are so many different types of patterns. Each koala has different parents, and each koala’s mum and dad live in different ways. They live in different tree environments. They experience bush fires, floods and drought.

All this adds up to different life experiences, with different decision making in different family environments. For example, if two groups of koalas encounter the same event, such as fighting the Fire Monster, each koala group may experience that same event differently and make different decisions.

Emotions can overtake logic. This can upset the balance of the brains happiness.

Logic needs more time to think things through whereas emotion doesn’t.

Emotion can use its powers to bully logic. Whereas logic likes to study and learn and think things through, emotion is more impulsive and likes to play around as it gets bored from time to time.

The “Brain” is the BIG BOSS of consciousness, logic, emotion and the Brain protects all three characters, and itself by having everyone work togteher.

The job of consciousness is to bring together emotion and logic to work in that, Balanced Way!

body patterns anne


Logic and Emotion disagree most of the time! So Consciousness collects worldly information for both Logic and Emotion, and trys to sort this information out before Emotion takes over, Logic its an ongoing battle for them all.

body patterns 3 sides

Because logic and emotion constantly disagree and question each other, they need the support from consciousness, as an umpiring or referee. It blows the whistle from time to time, to sort out disagreements before they get out of control.

Logic draws the lines on each body, under the direction of consciousness.

Emotion then colours in the lines, using whatever colour it is directed to use by consciousness.

The two characters logic and emotion each have different roles. Consciousness brings them together, SOMETIMES without them knowing, and the work of consciousness stops them fighting one another. This brings balance and happiness to the big boss the brain.

How This Looks on the Outside

Below is Kelly getting angry with Jack.

body patterns kelly angry

The disagreement between Kelly and Jack is on display on the outside. When Kelly gets frustrated with Jack, logic and emotion also argue about who’s right and who’s wrong. This frustration grows out of balance, as emotion is winning the battle over logic. To calm the two characters down, consciousness plays an important role, by feeding more information to logicConsciousness knows how to behave, as it remembers the last time Kelly had this type of argument or stressful encounter with her dad, mum, cousins or friends. Consciousness is a character that remembers what to do in difficult situations. Logic plays a practical role – on how to display oneself on the outside. When emotion takes over, a koala would act out openly. Just as Kelly is shown in the picture above. When all three characters work together, they find solution to a problem, by using the right words. Rather than act out and shout at Jack, Kelly will be able to remain those special words firstly to calm her self then know how to clam Jack and other koalas.

As consciousness increases in strength, like a muscle, to support both emotion and logic, and inturn also grow like a muscle.

Here, Jack is getting angry with the capos.

body patterns jack angry

Within Jack’s brain, there are all three characters. In a stressful situation, one way Jack and other koalas express themselves is through emotions. The job of emotions is to provide a quick response - to quickly for Logic to react, in stressful situations. Logic needs more time. It looks for more practical measures. This is where logic and emotion clash, as logic always wants a calm approach while emotion wants a wide and outward approach, especially if it’s the first time it encounters a new problem. The two need to work together to save energy. It’s important to preserve energy, in case a large threat is around the corner, suah as the Fire Monster. Emotion QUICKLY forgets about this.

If consciousness is weak, emotion hijack logic. As consciousness builds in strength, awareness of a stressful situation improves. For a koala, it’s very important to save energy. As koalas need to sleep and rest.

Just like in the book. Jack and Kelly and other koala characters don’t realise how they look when emotion takes over.

Both Characters of emotion and Logic are doing their job, but one dominates the other, and thats out of balance, they must stay in balance at all times, this protecting the brian and oneself, so they have enough energy to run away from a fire, or enough energy to swim long distances.

This is how strong koalas are, and why they are so special.